In the 18-year history of the Wyoming County Cultural Center at the Dietrich Theater we are proud to say many of our programs and events have now become traditions — programs such as Jeff Mitchell’s “Hiking Through the Natural Beauty of NEPA.”

Jeff, who is the Wyoming County District Attorney, is an avid hiker and believer that we live in one of the most beautiful areas of the country. For 10 years, he has come to the Dietrich Theater on a Saturday morning to share his gorgeous photographs, projected on our big screen, showing us the natural beauty all around us. We may not be able to be out on the trails, but we can experience the vistas virtually onscreen at the Dietrich.

The next opportunity to do so is on Saturday, Feb. 2 at 11 a.m. For reservations, call 570-996-1500. Free tickets for “Hiking Through the Natural Beauty of NEPA” will be available at the door as long as they last. Jeff’s books will be for sale, all proceeds benefiting Dietrich programming. In the last 10 years, these sales have totaled well over $5,000, thanks to Jeff’s generosity.

Another free program at the Dietrich that has continued for many years is Wyoming County Reads, now in its 15th year. Wintry February is a perfect month to read an award-winning book, to have discussions at the Tunkhannock Public Library, followed by an award-winning film based on the book at the Dietrich Theater.

This year the book and movie are “The Color Purple” by Alice Walker. The dates for discussions are Wednesdays, Feb. 6, 13, 20, 27 at 7 p.m. at the Tunkhannock Public Library. Bill Chapla, our discussant extraordinaire, leads the first and last discussions. Dr. Richard Hancuff, of Misericordia University, leads the discussion on Feb. 13 on the issue of racism in the book. The following week’s discussion on Feb. 20 is led by Dr. Marnie Hiester, of Misericordia University, focusing on the issue of sexism in the book.

Reservations are not necessary. Coffee and cookies are provided. Come for our 15th anniversary celebration cake for the first discussion on Feb. 6

Something new is another collaboration with the Tunkhannock Public Library coming up in February. We are so lucky to have storyteller Hal Pratt in our area to help us keep storytelling alive. Come hear him present “By the Way…Stories from Here and There” at the Dietrich Theater on Tuesday, Feb. 5 at 7 p.m., a free program.

If you wish to learn the art of storytelling, come to the Tunkhannock Public Library on Tuesdays, Feb. 12 through March 5 for “Storytelling ABCs.” Based on his 30-plus years of storytelling, Hal will explore storytelling basics for children and adults. The workshops will cover how to choose a story, how to prepare a story for telling, understanding your audience and common mistakes to avoid. To participate in these workshops, register at 570-996-1500 or just show up.

What else is new at the Dietrich? Every second Friday of the month at 7 p.m., military veterans meet here for conversation and camaraderie with fellow veterans and military service members. Light refreshments, good company, and the chance to meet others who have had similar experiences. What is new is the name of the group. It started out as Warrior Writers. It is renamed Veterans Meetup and Workshop. Jenny Pacanowski is still the facilitator. New name. New invitation. Free and sponsored by the Northeastern Pennsylvania Health Care Foundation.

Come for a “hike.” Come explore a good book and movie. Come hear a master storyteller. Come learn from him to become a storyteller, Tell a service member about Veterans Meetup and Workshop. We do it all for you.

Ronnie Harvey, Dietrich Theater Film Booker, representing the Dietrich at the Art House Convergence Annual Conference , the largest annual gathering of art house cinema and festival professionals. The Dietrich is always seeking ideas for its four annual film festivals. Harvey, Dietrich Theater Film Booker, representing the Dietrich at the Art House Convergence Annual Conference , the largest annual gathering of art house cinema and festival professionals. The Dietrich is always seeking ideas for its four annual film festivals.

Young photo

More than

the Movies

Margie Young

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