Luzerne County Councilman Matthew Mitchell, at right, released this photo with county District Attorney Sam Sanguedolce as part of an announcement that the DA has endorsed Mitchell’s candidacy for council in the May 16 primary election.
Luzerne County District Attorney Sam Sanguedolce has endorsed county Councilman Matthew Mitchell in the May 16 primary election.
Mitchell is seeking one of six Republican nominations in the county council race.
According to an endorsement letter Sanguedolce sent to Mitchell, the DA thanked Mitchell for meeting with him to discuss his thoughts and vision for the county’s future.
“Since your appointment to county council in June of last year, you have proved to be a dedicated, reasonable and conscientious addition to our government,” Sanguedolce wrote.
Sanguedolce said it is clear why the Republican Party of Luzerne County endorsed Mitchell as a council candidate. The DA told Mitchell to consider the correspondence formal notice of his endorsement of Mitchell’s candidacy.
“Luzerne County is well served to have rational and sensible representation on council. To that end, for the members of the public who may remain undecided in their vote in this primary election, I am hopeful that those voters find you to have the right experience and temperament to continue to represent the people on county council and give you their vote,” Sanguedolce wrote.
In a Monday night announcement, Mitchell said he was honored to receive Sanguedolce’s endorsement.
“As a candidate who values the principles of limited government, individual liberty, and fiscal responsibility, I am proud to have the support of someone who shares those same beliefs,” Mitchell said.
“I believe that Sam’s endorsement is a testament to my commitment to upholding the rule of law and ensuring that justice is served in our community and that we as elected officials do everything in our power to support our law enforcement officers and first responders,” Mitchell added.