What do the very wealthy and super rich want? They want the federal government to funds a strong national defense to protect their financial interests around the world even if it increases our national debt.

They also want the federal government to have the capability to fund financial bailouts for banks and other financial organizations when the economy tanks. They think that they are too big to fail or go to jail.

However, they want the tax rates on their incomes from capital gains and dividends to be lower than the tax rates on the earned incomes of working class Americans. They want to shift the tax burden from them to others with less ability to pay.

They detest environmental, financial and free market regulations that interfere with increasing profits.

The top 10% and 1% hate the media and labor unions, and they support right-to-work laws.

The well-to-do use their financial resources to control elections, and they use their lobbying ability to influence legislation that affects their financial interests. Although power rests with the governed, (the majority) it is the educated minority that runs the country.

The very wealthy and the super rich want to privatize public schools and colleges. Don’t ever forget what Gov. Tom Corbett and his fellow Republicans did to the smaller, poorer rural school districts in Pennsylvania in 2011 by cutting state aid. School buildings were closed; faculty, staff, educational programs and extracurricular activities were cut, and property taxes were increased to keep the local schools operating.

In summary, socialism is for the well-to-do and capitalism is for the poor. There is one set of rules for the poor, and there is an opposite set of rules for the top 10% and the top 1%.

David L. Faust

