LEHMAN TWP. — Penn State Extension Master Gardener Committee members announced the 2020 Spring into Gardening Workshop will be held 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, April 25, at the Technology Center, Penn State Wilkes-Barre Campus.

The workshop will include sessions on tree care, growing berries, gardening in changing climates, the aging gardener, garden soils, and an update on the invasive spotted lanternfly.

A plant sale will be held on site, and Master Gardeners will be available at the information table to answer personal gardening questions. Coffee, tea, and snacks are provided, no lunch.

Registration is required! Register online at extension.psu.edu/spring-into-gardening or by phone at 1-877-345-0691. Registrations are no longer able to be taken at the Penn State Extension Office in West Pittston. The workshop is open to all interested persons.

Committee members, from left, are Master Gardeners Mary Jo Wojtowicz, Terry Vosik, Dave Orbin, Roseann Nardone, Elizabeth Banos, Master Gardener Coordinator and Jean Kolojejchick.
https://www.mydallaspost.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/web1_DSCN2765-3-1-1.jpgCommittee members, from left, are Master Gardeners Mary Jo Wojtowicz, Terry Vosik, Dave Orbin, Roseann Nardone, Elizabeth Banos, Master Gardener Coordinator and Jean Kolojejchick. Submitted photo