The Wreaths Across America Mobile Education Exhibit will be making 15 stops across Pennsylvania this month, including a June 20 stop at Lowe’s in the Arena Hub Plaza. Seen here are: Alice Keiner, State Chair, DAR Service For Veterans; Nick Bindo, Lowe’s store manager; Amy Ellsworth, WAA local chapter coordinator; and Heather Ruseskas, Chapter Regent of Wyoming Valley Chapter, NSDAR.
Submitted photo
Two local Daughters of the American organizations that participate in the annual Wreaths Across America program to decorate the graves of veterans will be on hand as a national exhibit stops in the area three times later this month.
Wreaths Across America is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that coordinates wreath-laying ceremonies each December at more than 1,600 locations across the United States, at sea and abroad, according to the nonprofit group’s website. There is no cost for groups to participate, except for obtaining wreaths. In 2020, 59 Pennsylvania DAR chapters sponsored and participated in placing over 4,500 wreaths across Pennsylvania in various cemeteries. This year’s event is set for Dec. 18.
The Wreaths Across America Mobile Education Exhibit will be making 15 stops across Pennsylvania this month, starting June 6.
Local stops will be:
PLYMOUTH — Saturday, June 19 – The Plymouth American Legion, joined by the Shawnee Fort Chapter DAR, will host the exhibit for an open house to honor our nation’s Veterans and active duty military in the Wyoming Valley West High School parking lot from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. There will also be food available for purchase.
In their second year placing wreaths on veterans’ graves at Hanover Green Cemetery, the Shawnee Fort Chapter last year had hoped to attract sponsors for 600; they managed to top that, hitting 630. They’re hoping for similar numbers this year.
Hanover Green is the final resting place for more than 1,600 people who served in America’s armed forces from the American Revolution to the modern era.
For more information, contact Shawnee Fort Chapter member Kathleen Smith at 570-704-9809.
WILKES-BARRE — Sunday, June 20 – The Wyoming Valley Chapter & PA DAR will host the WAA MEE for a free public event to honor our nation’s veterans and active duty military at the Lowe’s parking area located at 501 Arena Hub Plaza from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
This stop is being held as the Wyoming Valley Chapter continues to observe its 130th anniversary. It was the first chapter to be organized in Pennsylvania, in 1891.
The Wyoming Valley Chapter is a registered fundraising sponsor for the wreaths at Fort Indiantown Gap. The chapter’s goal this year is to get 150 wreaths.
“By being a registered sponsor, we receive some money back from the purchases from the wreaths that we use for our chapter projects and programs. Wyoming Valley Chapter has been participating in the laying of wreaths for a few years – in the cold, in the pouring rain, and even during the COVID pandemic when only a few were allowed to participate,” chapter member Alice Keiner said.
For more information contact Wyoming Valley Chapter Regent Heather Ruseskas at WVDAR.Heather@gmail.com.
PITTSTON — Tuesday, June 22 – RC Moore Inc. will host the WAA MEE for an open house to honor our nation’s veterans and active duty military at 301 Oak St. from 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.
“The goal of the Wreaths Across America Mobile Education Exhibit is to bring community together and teach patriotism while remembering the service and sacrifice of our nation’s heroes,” said Karen Worcester, executive director, Wreaths Across America. “However, over the last year, in light of the current health crisis, we feel this exhibit has taken on even more meaning by providing the opportunity for people to safely participate in something that is both educational and inspiring, while supporting and giving back to the communities it visits.”